The Grow Your Orbit Club is Norby’s affiliate partner program and private community that gives creators the opportunity to check out the platform and spread the Norby 💖️ with your network – in exchange for some pretty awesome incentives 😉

See below for the official Terms + Conditions:

  1. Access

    1. In return for sharing and supporting Norby’s growth, program partners will get:
      1. Compensation based on lead generation and new customer conversions
      2. Access to our private Geneva home and chat rooms
      3. Invites to exclusive events and workshops with experts from our community
      4. Exclusive perks from our partners and other brands that we love
      5. First priority for other paid content and partnership gigs
      6. Swag from the Norby shop
  2. Sharing

    1. Partners are free to choose their method of sharing Norby. Sharing options include but are not limited to original content creation and social media posting (e.g. IG Reels and Stories), organic mentions in evergreen content channels (e.g. podcast, newsletter, YouTube), word of mouth (e.g. recommendations to clients, friends, colleagues).
    2. Partners will encourage their audience to sign up for Norby via their unique affiliate link, where their audience can redeem one month free of Norby’s Basic plan = $19 in credit.
    3. Partners will receive their unique affiliate link via an official welcome email from Norby’s team upon completion of the Signup Form.
    4. When applicable, partners will tag @bynorby, use the appropriate paid partnership tools available to them, and include their unique affiliate link in their link in bio via their preferred social media platform(s). If sharing via Instagram, it is recommended to add @bynorby as a collaborator on the post so that Norby may amplify your content and increase engagement. It is also recommended to use the swipe-up and link sticker tools to drive traffic to your unique affiliate link and audience incentive via Instagram Stories.
  3. Compensation

    1. Partners will receive 3 months free of Norby’s Basic plan upon joining the club.
    2. Partners will be paid an upfront fee of $150 and can invoice Norby upon completion of the Signup Form. Thereafter, compensation is dependent on lead generation & customer conversion.
    3. For each lead generated, the partner will receive $30.
    4. For each conversion, the partner will receive $50.
    5. If the partner exceeds 5 leads generated per month, they will receive $40 per lead thereafter.
    6. Partners will be paid out monthly, at the end of each month, and are responsible for submitting invoices in a timely fashion upon receipt of monthly performance updates from Norby’s team via email. All payments will be completed by Norby within 15 days upon receipt of the invoice.

    *Further program details can be found here.